María Antonia Rodríguez, nueva directora general de Dell Technologies en España

Dell Technologies anuncia el nombramiento de María Antonia Rodríguez como nueva directora general de la compañía en España. | 03/04/2023 09:19
María Antonia se incorporó a Dell en 1998; desde 2020 ocupaba los cargos de directora comercial de Grandes Cuentas del Sector Privado y Spain Site Leader. Esta experiencia le proporciona un profundo conocimiento de las tendencias tecnológicas más innovadoras y le permite comprender las necesidades de las organizaciones en un momento crucial dentro de sus procesos de transformación.

Durante estos años, Dell Technologies ha reconocido el trabajo y los resultados conseguidos por María Antonia en diferentes ocasiones, destacando los galardones “EMEA Inspiring Leader of the Year” en 2016 y “EMEA Award as Country Integration Lead” en 2017. Este último por su contribución a la integración de Dell y EMC en España.

“Es un honor liderar en España la compañía en la que he desarrollado gran parte de mi trayectoria profesional. La visión de Dell Technologies es crear tecnologías que impulsen el progreso humano y, desde mi nueva posición, seguiré trabajando para ayudar a las organizaciones a mejorar sus resultados de negocio gracias a la innovación tecnológica”, afirma María Antonia Rodríguez.

Antes de llegar a Dell, María Antonia desempeñó distintas posiciones en empresas como Fujitsu, ICL, Nokia Data o Ericsson.

María Antonia Rodríguez es licenciada en Ciencias Empresariales por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

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  • 1
    Jayne Taylor - 04-04-2023 01:47:31

    CONTACT A PROFESSIONAL HACKER, RECOVERY MASTERS I needed to fix my credit urgently. My scores were between 490 to 530 across all 3 bureaus, I had an eviction but I wasn't sure if it was on my credit or not yet, I kept getting denied each time I tried to get a new home. With desperation, I did some research online and luckily for me, I found so many recommendations about RECOVERY MASTERS. I contacted them via: email ( They promised to help me and we got started with the job. A week later they completed a full credit repair process on my credit profile. They were able to remove the eviction alongside other negatives and that boosted my scores to 790 and above, across all 3 bureaus. You can buzz them if you have such an issues, reachout at their email or whatsapp +1(551) 202-23-35

  • 2
    Patricia Daniel - 03-04-2023 14:41:27

    My husband and I are self-employed architects; we made most of our income from buying, renovating and selling houses in Florida. In 2005 we had our first child, followed immediately by Hurricane Wilma and the beginning of the downturn in the real estate market (at least in Miami). Lost income from clients who could no longer pay, plummeting real-estate values and a non-existent job market for architects left us with virtually no income for four years. We used our credit cards and savings, my 401k, sold our home at a huge loss, all with the idea that the market had to pick up soon and we would then be able to pay off our debts without filing for bankruptcy. We were terrified of bankruptcy because we depended on being able to get a mortgage to finance home purchases and renovations, our main source of income. In retrospect not filing was a mistake, the market never recovered in time for us and we accumulated a massive amount of credit card debt which we could not pay, somewhere around $50-60,000. Much of this has been charged off or we negotiated settlements; however, we have two judgements, Amex for $1136 and Chase for $8566, which I’m going to try and settle, and a Citibank account that was bought by Asset Acceptance, original balance of $16,166 now pumped up to $26,340. I read about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on Quora and I didn’t hesitate to contact him, to my greatest surprise, all the debts were cleared completely including the charge offs and credit card debts. More so our credit score was increased to 811 and 804 respectively. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST the saviour I met a few months ago. You can reach him via PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or Text him on +1 (323) 406 1225. Cheers.

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