La Junta de Andalucía y Microsoft explorarán la aplicación de la Inteligencia Artificial para la mejora de los servicios al ciudadano

Ambas entidades analizarán posibles casos de uso de soluciones de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Generativa para la mejora de la atención al ciudadano y la simplificación de trámites administrativos. Además, se evaluará la aplicación de la IA a la mejora de la sostenibilidad medioambiental y a la prevención de riesgos asociados al cambio climático. | 30/06/2023 11:09
El presidente de la Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, y el presidente de Microsoft España, Alberto Granados, han mantenido hoy una reunión en Sevilla para explorar posibles líneas de trabajo conjunto en el marco de la Estrategia Andaluza de Inteligencia Artificial 2030, aprobada por el Consejo de Gobierno esta semana. En concreto, la Junta y Microsoft evaluarán la aplicación de tecnologías de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Generativa en el ámbito de la simplificación administrativa y la transformación de los servicios públicos al ciudadano. Asimismo, se explorarán diferentes posibilidades de desarrollo de soluciones de IA para la mejora de la sostenibilidad medioambiental y la prevención de riesgos asociados al cambio climático.

El encuentro entre Juanma Moreno y Alberto Granados se enmarca dentro de los contactos habituales que mantienen ambas entidades, que se han intensificado desde la firma de un convenio de colaboración, el pasado mes de octubre, para el impulso de la digitalización y el empleo en Andalucía.

Cerca de 3.200 millones de euros adicionales al PIB andaluz

Según un reciente análisis de IDC sobre el impacto económico y social de la nube de Microsoft en Andalucía, Microsoft, las más de 1.500 empresas colaboradoras que conforman su ecosistema de partners en la región y los clientes andaluces que utilizan la tecnología cloud de la compañía, generarán cerca de 3.200 millones de euros adicionales al PIB andaluz entre 2022 y 2025.

El estudio, que revisa las implicaciones a largo plazo y las oportunidades de crecimiento que representa la tecnología cloud de Microsoft para las empresas andaluzas, considera que hasta 2025 se crearán más de 7.000 empleos en la región (incluyendo empleos directos e indirectos) gracias a la extensión en la adopción de las soluciones en la nube. Además, Microsoft, sus partners y sus clientes en Andalucía contribuirán con más de 500 millones de euros hasta 2025 provenientes de la fiscalidad sobre empleos directos e ingresos durante el mismo período.

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  • 1
    Gerald Wilson - 17-08-2023 12:22:39

    I failed a victim to a fraudulent Binary Company it was indeed a tough time for me after i was ripped off by this Binary Investors. i got linked to them through Instagram and we started texting, after a while of being in contact and knowing a bit more about each other that lead me into sharing some personal informations with him, Unknowingly to me i was dealing with a scammer and liar, this person made me believe a fake website that he uses to carry out his criminal activities in the name of Binary trading platform, i had invested hugely into this platform because i never doubted this or what he had said to me as i thought i was investing without knowing that i was being played. i never know all this wasn’t real till when the time for my withdrawal came, they automatically disabled me from making my withdrawals successfully.. every attempt to withdraw was been declined, i felt very uncomfortable with the situation, i was been directed to pay more fees before withdraw can be activated i didn’t know what else to do at certain point but later came up with the thought of getting a hacker it was then that i got to meet ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM with their contact info ( ROOTKITS4 (AT) G M A I L . CO M ) through peoples recommendation and reviews, they succeeded in retrieving back my lost funds back to my wallet I’m really grateful for that, finally got myself back after the depression and nightmares i went through, special thanks to this Team.

  • 2
    Daniel Morgan - 16-08-2023 02:33:43

    It was really a terrible experience actually when i found myself loosing all the money i had worked for years all in the name of Crypto currency investment i put the whole blame on myself maybe for being so selfish and careless I almost lost a huge invested funds to this online crypto currency investment platform, i only got paid once by this company at the beginning when i started the whole thing with $200 usd, i got paid with my income then i had to reinvest back in order to get more this time i invested with a huge amount of money but ever since when it got due for me to be paid the company automatically restricted me from withdrawing the money, i had to reach out to the costumer care for their assistance so i can get my funds but they kept asking for more fees, it was devastating and as i got more depressed then i was talking to a colleague at work who i told about everything i was going through to my surprised he had been in such situation before me and said he got everything back through a Recovery firm and them linked me up with The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. i contact them and they helped me recovered back my money, i got to text with them over on telegram directly @ ROOTKITS7 where we had all our conversation, they really did a great job for me i as well showed my appreciations because i almost lost everything, lest i forget here is their email contact ROOTKITS 4 @ gmail. com. I really do appreciate their good aid when i needed it the most.

  • 3
    George Lewis - 12-08-2023 08:50:15

    I like to express how grateful i am to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM an incredible and reliable team of hackers who helped recovered the $635k i lost to scammers in an online Binary Trading Company. I am married with 3 kids living comfortable with my family until when i came across a link to this trading platform, i read some good reviews about this platform online and i decided to invest with them, started with a small capital with the intention to grow it. i was speaking directly over WhatsApp with the Senior Account manager ( Oliver Gabriel ) all through who was helping me to build my portfolio, during those period i made some huge investment with them at the end when i got to found out it was all scam i requested to withdraw an amount but it was not going through, i reached out to Mr Gabriel over whatsapp who now demanded for couple fees to be paid before i could access and withdraw my funds, even after settling this fees i still couldn’t make a withdrawal not even a dollar. However, I discovered ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM through positive reviews read on this site and reached out to them immediately on R O O T K I T S 4 @ G. M A I L . C O M and they helped recovered my lost Funds just within 2 days of meeting them I can’t thank them enough but give them a review as a token of my sincere appreciation. I strongly recommend them to anyone with related issues. Here is there contact again for Telegram; ROOTKITS7. they are the best out there.

  • 4
    Jez Kinsella - 11-08-2023 08:59:22

    I have heard a lot about the Cryptocurrency investment and one day decided to try it out through a lady i was friend with on the facebook.. the beginning seems very interesting and everything was moving fine after i had my first payout, i reinvested more funds to the company she got me introduced to in order to gain more profits and after some while when i was meant to either take my returns or still go ahead with my investment, but due to my illness i requested for a withdrawal but noticed i wasn’t able to do that, i quickly reach out to the support for some assistance but sadly it was more disappointing, what made everything so complicated was my poor health conditions as i needed the funds urgently. i tried my best to get this resolved even contact the Lady on facebook who referred mr to this mess but she turned out to be in the same table with the scammers, i then came up with the thought of getting a hacker as i was going through my computer i read a story relating to mine and how a hacker was to help in recovering back the lost funds. i contacted them through their email contact; ROOTKITS 4 @ GMAIL .COM and i had to explained the whole situation to him and he then moved on with the process of recovery, i did got my funds back after he was done and I’m so happy because i was able to payoff the hospital bill as well, if anyone out there looking for a help to recover his funds back then ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM is the right team to do the task, you can also get to them through Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  • 5
    Jude Ryan - 04-08-2023 11:32:55

    I almost lost over $320k worth of Bitcoin in an investment trading company where i had invested with the purpose to make more profits, but as things went on just within the space of a month and 2weeks i had invested all i had together with my savings before i got to realize it was a scam company, they refused me to make my withdrawal successful when it was due. i had to lookout for way to get my funds back from this experience i found that is not that easy to get back a scammed funds because these scammers are very smart and they will cover their tracks but if you manage to find a trustworthy and reliable Recovery company, I said trustworthy and reliable because many scammers are out there disguising as Recovery agents and will only take your money without recovering all your funds back. I was a victim of such myself after loosing all my funds to the investment scam I sort for help and I met a few recovery agents and was scammed by a particular one again. Before i was Luckily referred to a Recovery Firm called ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. They where the right team that recovered my stolen bitcoin. You can send a mail to ROOTKITS4 @ GMAIL. COM or via Telegram- ROOTKITS7 for your funds recovery should incase you need a help to get your lost investment back.

  • 6
    Maxwell Afred - 31-07-2023 00:13:50

    I am glad to go through the reviews carefully and with the help of some enlightening ones here I made the right decision. I was scammed by a Binary online website last 2 month. I lost a total of $135,000 to them and they denied all my withdrawal request, and gave me all sort of excuses requesting i pay more funds in order to have funds withdrawn. It was really devastating time for me because that was all I had and they deceit me into investing the money in their company with some guarantee that I will make much profit from the investment. They seized all my funds and kept on requesting for more fees to be paid. I finally was able to recover all the money I lost just last month with the help of ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM. after i read some good reviews here from people they had help retrieve back their funds from fraudulent crypto investment companies. I quickly contacted them for their service and they responded. after i had them provided with the required informations, they proceeded with the recovery and after some while i got back all funds back to my wallet. I am really grateful to this Team especially for the services they offer because i know a lot of people here have been scammed and need help. Contact him via ROOTKITS 4 @ GMAIL . COM or Telegram @ROOTKITS7 for their swift delivery and good communications skill. It's top tier service for me. I recommend.

  • 7
    Joseph Levonn - 26-07-2023 03:25:01

    I lost my money through an investment platforms whose company were registered in London, UK. They claimed to have registered their companies in the US as well. The company which is known as kryptoglobaltrade. com i woke up one day trying to login into my account but noticed i wasn’t able to do so as usual. the webpages have been inactive since that very day and I have been unable to withdraw how my total invested funds. The sites posted they were performing an internal audit during the month of May; subsequently, it announced the systems were being upgraded since early July. All official Chat-rooms at Telegram, WhatsApp and Facebook are now disabled and some vanished altogether. I Contacted the CEO via WhatsApp, he did not read my notes or respond. Kryptoglobaltrade. com would keep promising mouth watering ROI to lure you in showing you simulated trades and it is almost impossible for you to make a withdrawal. One excuse after the other. That’s when it became crystal clear that I have been scammed of my hard earned money. My total lost with this company was USD332,876. I needed a major portion of this balance to pay off the down-liners who were threatening to file charges for misleading as well as fraud. Their combined balance is approximately USD300,000. I was lucky to found a top wealth Recovery firm, i contacted them through ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M / Telegram: ROOTKITS7 ) which brilliantly helped recoup all my lost capital to these fraud company all within 3 days period. I can’t thank the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM enough for their professional help. I am typing this with tears rolling down my cheeks! Please stay away from KRYPTOGLOBALTRADE INVESTMENT PLATFORMS to avoid the agony and pain I went through! Spread the word and help unsuspecting victims from falling prey!

  • 8
    Melissa Jesse - 24-07-2023 01:47:25

    I failed woefully to a crypto investment company, ended up losing everything i had to this platform i felt so broken to the point that i almost took my own life. the worst of it all is that i got some loan to enable me invest in this platform in order to make some profit.. not being aware that i was dealing with some group of scammers, the investors made everything look so real and legitimate in the way that you won't believe it all scam. it was going well till few weeks ago when i requested for a withdraw, i was instructed to invest more till i reached the withdrawal limit then i can make withdrawal.. i did invested more but when it was time to withdraw they insisted rather kept persuading me to make more investment. i stopped talking to them and started looking for a way to recover my money cause i don't want them to notice my next plan. then fortunately for me i recommendations through to contact The ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM - R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , I contacted them and they promised to help me get my money back asked me some info about the scammer which I provided. The result was amazing I recovered all my stolen money back within a space of 48 hours I was so happy as I never believe I could get my money back. i will keep on recommending your service to anyone i know. you can as well contact him through Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  • 9
    Leo Atkinson - 20-07-2023 22:44:06

    I heard about a Bitcoin programmed scheme that I taught was going to be a lifetime investment opportunity but turned out to be Fraudulent, i got deceived by this Investor i met on a telegram group to make my investment with their company, this investors made the company website look so real and promising, without much thought i invested some money not knowing that i am being scammed, we got going till it was time for me to take my returns i try to make withdrawal but the system declined my withdrawals. made several attempts to get it right but still wasn’t going good i then contacted the "support" for a help they demanded for some fees to be settled before i could have my funds withdrawn successfully, i cleared the demanded fees required but not able to withdraw my funds yet. at this point i realize i was been scammed. i taught all money was lost until I met a life savior on a crypto site who had helped a lot of people recover there stolen funds/coins ( ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ) I explained my situation to him and assured me he’ll help me get my money back, I gave it a try and he definitely did a great job, all my money was recovered back into my wallet account in few days, I don’t really know how he got this done but this is really awesome! I’m writing this to informed anyone who had similar issue to contact this expert via email, email or Telegram; ROOTKITS7 ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I. L . C O M ) I’m so happy right now, I luckily escape what ought to had destroy me financially.

  • 10
    Catherine walker - 17-07-2023 02:53:00

    I am very happy to recommend PRIEST DEDE to everyone that truly needs help to fix his or her broken relationship and marriage. When I found PRIEST DEDE online I was desperate in need of help to bring my ex-lover back. he left me for another woman. It all happened so fast and I had no say in the situation at all. he just left me after 4 years of our marriage without any explanation. so I was very worried and could not eat till I went online and I found testimonies on PRIEST DEDE so I decided to contact PRIEST DEDE through his whats-app+2348123747663 and I explain everything to him so he helps me cast a love spell to help us get back together. Shortly after he did the spell, my HUSBAND started texting and calling me again. he said that he was sorry and said that I was the most important person in his life and he knows that now. you can Email PRIEST DEDE now for urgent help ( Whatsapp: +2348123747663

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