La Junta de Andalucía y Microsoft explorarán la aplicación de la Inteligencia Artificial para la mejora de los servicios al ciudadano

Ambas entidades analizarán posibles casos de uso de soluciones de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Generativa para la mejora de la atención al ciudadano y la simplificación de trámites administrativos. Además, se evaluará la aplicación de la IA a la mejora de la sostenibilidad medioambiental y a la prevención de riesgos asociados al cambio climático. | 30/06/2023 11:09
El presidente de la Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, y el presidente de Microsoft España, Alberto Granados, han mantenido hoy una reunión en Sevilla para explorar posibles líneas de trabajo conjunto en el marco de la Estrategia Andaluza de Inteligencia Artificial 2030, aprobada por el Consejo de Gobierno esta semana. En concreto, la Junta y Microsoft evaluarán la aplicación de tecnologías de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Generativa en el ámbito de la simplificación administrativa y la transformación de los servicios públicos al ciudadano. Asimismo, se explorarán diferentes posibilidades de desarrollo de soluciones de IA para la mejora de la sostenibilidad medioambiental y la prevención de riesgos asociados al cambio climático.

El encuentro entre Juanma Moreno y Alberto Granados se enmarca dentro de los contactos habituales que mantienen ambas entidades, que se han intensificado desde la firma de un convenio de colaboración, el pasado mes de octubre, para el impulso de la digitalización y el empleo en Andalucía.

Cerca de 3.200 millones de euros adicionales al PIB andaluz

Según un reciente análisis de IDC sobre el impacto económico y social de la nube de Microsoft en Andalucía, Microsoft, las más de 1.500 empresas colaboradoras que conforman su ecosistema de partners en la región y los clientes andaluces que utilizan la tecnología cloud de la compañía, generarán cerca de 3.200 millones de euros adicionales al PIB andaluz entre 2022 y 2025.

El estudio, que revisa las implicaciones a largo plazo y las oportunidades de crecimiento que representa la tecnología cloud de Microsoft para las empresas andaluzas, considera que hasta 2025 se crearán más de 7.000 empleos en la región (incluyendo empleos directos e indirectos) gracias a la extensión en la adopción de las soluciones en la nube. Además, Microsoft, sus partners y sus clientes en Andalucía contribuirán con más de 500 millones de euros hasta 2025 provenientes de la fiscalidad sobre empleos directos e ingresos durante el mismo período.

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  • 1
    Sylvester Maxwell - 15-01-2024 11:24:12

    Its important to take extreme caution when investing with your hard earned money to avoid getting ripped from this online scammers and trolls who are selfishly looking for people to manipulate and extort money from all in the name of Cryptocurrency investment, i had invested with a fake crypto investment company never had any idea how all this is been done, i didn’t realize i was dealing with scammers till after i all my investment was seized by this company, i was made to settle some fees just so i can have my invested funds but still wasn’t able to withdraw a penny after settling this fees, Well just would love to extend my gratitude and utmost appreciation to R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M for helping me recover my money back a total sum of $623K worth of lost cryptocurrency, at first I felt so hopeless but eventually after i read some good reviews about this Team online and how they have equally helped many individuals who had been scammed i then decided to give it a try and today I’m very excited to speak about ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, this Asset recovery firm was able to assist me in recovering my lost digital invested cryptocurrency. I’m truly amazed by their excellent service and professional work. I never thought I could get back my funds until I approached them with my case and have them provided with all the necessary information needed, I highly recommend this Team for anyone out there seeking to recover from scam, they are the best and i am very grateful to them for helping me recover my money, you can reach to them with the following contact info Email; R O O T K I T S 4 @ G MAI L . C O M Telegram: ROOTKITS7

  • 2
    William Stoughton - 12-01-2024 02:22:07

    Hello world! Permit me to discuss how, Cyber Genie Hack Pro team assisted me in getting my forgotten crypto wallet access back. Losing access to my wallet was traumatizing and heartbreaking to my household because it was a joint wallet where I and my partner decided to save for the future instead of using all these ridiculous financial banks in the USA controlled by the Matrix.  Our precious crypto savings were on the verge of vanishing before our very before. If there is one thing I am forever grateful for in 2024 is my encounter with Cyber Genie's team. These guys didn't even let me explain my task fully, how they delved into getting solutions for me to access my crypto wallet back still wows me and my partner. There's no better way to start the new year than with the best tech team ensuring my family's data are safe on the internet. If you have any important query related to crypto funds recovery, don't hesitate to find them on:  WEB:  (https ://) cy bergeniehackpro (.) xyz/ W/A:  +'1'2'5'2'5'1'2'0'3'9'1' TELLEGRAM: "cyb ergeniehackpro"

  • 3
    David Hofferon - 11-01-2024 14:26:06

    Everyone should beware that there are many fake Crypto mining/clouding platform out there, I have been a victim of this circumstance but now a very good blockchain consultant and I know much better in this field. Their whole plan was so smooth i could not doubt it. Bitcoin is actually a great investment option but one thing I discovered over time is that it is not that possible to mine bitcoin so don’t be deceived by the ones who claim that they’d mine Cryptocurrency as that will be a setup trap for you. I invested $75k on a particular mining website called miningonebitcoin . com I kept monitoring the profit yielding but was told to open a new blockchain account to receive my payout. A public wallet was imported into the account and I was made to believe that the profits was made off my mining pool. Well the accumulated bitcoin was labelled non spendable and it took me almost 6months to be able to access it without the knowledge of the company. The non spendable bitcoin is the scam out there now and a lot of people are falling victim of it. I’m happy i found R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M (a real recovery firm) on Quora who helped me access a significant part of my investment together with the profit. this team was able to crack down the company’s website and access their account without the knowledge of this fraudulent company. i finally was able to get back all my lost funds to this evil individual looking for who to defraud and take advantage of, if anyone out-there who have been in a similar situation i will advise you reach out to this Team for help to recover back yours just like they did for me, email at { R O O T K I T S 4 @ G MAIL .C O M } Or Telegram : ROOTKITS7

  • 4
    Maisie Amber - 08-01-2024 07:08:19

    I made my investment with the wrong platform and ended up losing both my capital investment and the profits i had made through my tradings with them over the few months we had partnered together, it was such a very pathetic experience for me as i have never found myself in a situation so critical as this. i went depressed for months almost lost my mind facing all this scenarios alone. at some point i was having some suicidal thought.. but thanks so much to my therapist who really helped me to set and maintain my healthy boundaries, it was she also that had advised me to lookout for a specialist who can help to recover back my funds from the scammers. that one advise from her really did good to me as i had went online in search of help from experts and i got referred to the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM and their services. i reached out to their contact detail that was provided by individuals testifying about their good work email ( R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M ) and filed a complaint, i was well responded to and we had some deep conversation on how i lost my money to the fake investment platform, everything seems so unbelievable while they assured me of getting everything i have lost, i was asked questions on my mode of payment and evidences that shows a transaction occurred between both parties and if any agreement was breached or stated, after all these, just within the next 48hours or thereabouts i got all my lost investment together with my profits back in my wallet, these guys are really amazing. you can get them also on Telegram at ROOTKITS7 if need their help.

  • 5
    Oliver Daku - 05-01-2024 13:54:03

    I had read few articles about binary option trading and cryptocurrency because i do have a good interest in investing into cryptocurrency because of what i’ve read about it… Though the digital currency seems to be the future but we also have to be extremely careful to avoid going through some rough face, I saw the bitcoins prices and it was kind of ok for me financially so i went ahead and made more researches on what Binary trading is all about, read some few books about investing so i could have a clear image of what’s all about. Finally i invested with an online company in order to start up, my first deposit was around $300 usd, i got paid my investment together with the profits, seeing how it goes i then invested more funds so i could be paid more. so after the usual timeframe that i was supposed to be paid, the funds was made available there in my wallet but i can’t make the withdrawal to my account, tried all my possible best but still wasn’t successful. i then message the support and they kept to request for some fees after another before i could be able to withdraw, i paid to an extent before i could realize that i was not dealing with the right people.. i felt deeply disappointed as i have already committed a total of $180k usd to this. Actually i taught that i had lost it all but fortunately when i shared this with a close friend who said she had been through a similar situation but got a hacker who helped her retrieve her funds back, he gave me the contact info of the team; R O O T K I TS R E C O V E R Y F I R M. ROOTKITS 4 @ GMAIL . COM and their Telegram account as well; ROOTKITS7 and this was how i got my funds back through their great help and professional skills, I’m so grateful and i appreciate the work of this team as they are of a top notch level.

  • 6
    Justin Derrick - 03-01-2024 12:47:11

    How i Recovered my lost funds from the internet scammers back into my wallet though this wasn’t really an easy process All thanks to R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M for finally coming to my aids after months of being sober and traumatized, i almost gave up searching for a real firm out here but ThankGod i finally met this team through a google review about hackers who are reliable to work with, i was doped by a Binary trading investment platform lost a total of $468k usd to the platform, i thought i will never recover my funds back again after my experience with this scammers, they kept asking me to make more payment for different fees before I could be able to withdraw my funds, then i realized i was being scammed by this company and i decided to option out and seek way to recover my money back which was a little bit difficult because i found it very hard to trust human again after i got betrayed by the very lady who introduced me to this company where she claims that offers a very high return profits to investors, it was a long dramatic story anyways i almost lost all my investment to this fraudulent fake company if it wasn’t for the intervention of The R OOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM which through their dedication and expert level on the cyber theft field ensured that i have all my money recovered back successfully all thanks to this Firm. you can contact them for fast and effective recovery assistance by sending email to : R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . Com , or you can also contact the team via Telegram on ROOTKITS7

  • 7
    yolanda - 23-12-2023 00:13:37

    REAL AND LEGITIMATE CRYPTO RECOVERY EXPERT I was actually fooled and scammed over ( $345,000 ) by someone I trusted with my funds through a transaction we did and I feel so disappointed and hurt knowing that someone can steal from you without remorse after trusting them, so I started searching for help legally to recover my stolen funds and came across a lot of Testimonials about ETHICREFINANCE Recovery Expert who helps in recovery lost funds, which I can tell has helped so many people who had contacted them regarding such issues and without a questionable doubt their funds was returned back to their wallet in a very short space of time, it took the expert 21 hours to help me recover my funds and the best part of it all was that the scammers was actually located and arrested by local authorities in his region which was very relieving. Hope this helps as many people who have lost their hard earn money to scammers out of trust, you can reach him through the link below for help to recover your scammed funds and thank me later. Email Address: ethicsrefinance @gmail. com telegram: @ethicsrefinance

  • 8
    Martha Myers - 21-12-2023 20:55:20

    The Only People who are capable of helping you to recover your money are this legit hackers, most of these Binary option companies are scam so therefore they have weak Database security, and their vulnerabilities can be exploited easily with the Help of our Special HackTools, Root HackTools And Technical Hacking Strategies. All we do is to hack into the Company’s Database, Extract your files and documents, Decrypt your Transaction Details and some Technical Hacking Execution follows then you have your money recovered in Bitcoins. You can only get that kind of service in; Contact their support team for further assistance: HQRECOVERY22 at G M A I L dot C O M You Can Whatsapp or Text: + 1 3 2 3 3 8 8 5 7 1 5 NO UPFRONT PAYMENT! 303 Second St., Suite 900 South Tower, San Francisco, CA 94107 Thank Me Later

  • 9
    Pau Van - 19-12-2023 17:57:18

    HOW TO RECOVER LOST BITCOIN - OMEGA CRYPTO RECOVERY SPECIALIST Omega Crypto Recovery experts are professional license blockchain developers who are very much knowledgeable in the crypto space and are able to perform other crypto recovery services. How to recover lost Bitcoin private key How to backup and restore a crypto wallet How Can I Secure My Bitcoin Wallet and Recover Lost Bitcoin? Are Lost Bitcoins Gone Forever? Lost or stolen Crypto, Bitcoin are not gone forever. Start your recovery with Omega Crypto Recovery Specialist today. Learn More; omegarecoveryspecialist .c o m Via Whatsap; +1(701)_ 660) 04_75) Via Mail; omegaCryptos@consultant .c o m )

  • 10
    Victoria Farnsworth - 18-12-2023 22:02:56

    I am Victoria. Sometime back I got to meet this man on a dating site. We coupled up online for almost 2 months and a half. Later on, he introduced the idea of BTC investment on a platform called Wemixbtc. I thought this was a legit investment and in a week, I gathered $250,000 to invest. Soon after 3 months, I tried to withdraw my profits but they were constantly asking for one type of tax or the other, without releasing the funds whatsoever. I got infuriated as I knew I had been scammed. I contacted a few hackers but all they did was ask for upfront money and later on go missing without getting my money back! This was impunity of the highest order! The only hacker that later on saved me was EXNER PRO HACKER. This hacker worked on my case for 2 business days and my funds were released back to my account in the exact amount. So much to my relief. This hacker has been so much recommended in the social platform and I had to try them out. Thank you a lot for your help. I would give them a 5-star rating on their services. Reach out to if you need crypto scams or related services.

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