La Junta de Andalucía y Microsoft explorarán la aplicación de la Inteligencia Artificial para la mejora de los servicios al ciudadano

Ambas entidades analizarán posibles casos de uso de soluciones de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Generativa para la mejora de la atención al ciudadano y la simplificación de trámites administrativos. Además, se evaluará la aplicación de la IA a la mejora de la sostenibilidad medioambiental y a la prevención de riesgos asociados al cambio climático. | 30/06/2023 11:09
El presidente de la Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, y el presidente de Microsoft España, Alberto Granados, han mantenido hoy una reunión en Sevilla para explorar posibles líneas de trabajo conjunto en el marco de la Estrategia Andaluza de Inteligencia Artificial 2030, aprobada por el Consejo de Gobierno esta semana. En concreto, la Junta y Microsoft evaluarán la aplicación de tecnologías de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Generativa en el ámbito de la simplificación administrativa y la transformación de los servicios públicos al ciudadano. Asimismo, se explorarán diferentes posibilidades de desarrollo de soluciones de IA para la mejora de la sostenibilidad medioambiental y la prevención de riesgos asociados al cambio climático.

El encuentro entre Juanma Moreno y Alberto Granados se enmarca dentro de los contactos habituales que mantienen ambas entidades, que se han intensificado desde la firma de un convenio de colaboración, el pasado mes de octubre, para el impulso de la digitalización y el empleo en Andalucía.

Cerca de 3.200 millones de euros adicionales al PIB andaluz

Según un reciente análisis de IDC sobre el impacto económico y social de la nube de Microsoft en Andalucía, Microsoft, las más de 1.500 empresas colaboradoras que conforman su ecosistema de partners en la región y los clientes andaluces que utilizan la tecnología cloud de la compañía, generarán cerca de 3.200 millones de euros adicionales al PIB andaluz entre 2022 y 2025.

El estudio, que revisa las implicaciones a largo plazo y las oportunidades de crecimiento que representa la tecnología cloud de Microsoft para las empresas andaluzas, considera que hasta 2025 se crearán más de 7.000 empleos en la región (incluyendo empleos directos e indirectos) gracias a la extensión en la adopción de las soluciones en la nube. Además, Microsoft, sus partners y sus clientes en Andalucía contribuirán con más de 500 millones de euros hasta 2025 provenientes de la fiscalidad sobre empleos directos e ingresos durante el mismo período.

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  • 1
    Leandro Rowan - 18-12-2023 18:12:35

    On a more serious note there are so many fake Crypto Currency investment companies out there seeking for innocent individuals to trick on. i believe everyone here in one way or the order have had his or her own experience with fraudulent investment companies. I had also been a victim of this circumstance i was unconscious for days after losing about $1,745,000 USDT to a fraudulent Crypto Investment Company, i almost lost myself on the process the truth is that Fraud and scams can affect people emotionally and mentally which can lead to anxiety, fear, grief and so many negative impact. I was ashamed of myself and couldn’t tell anyone what I was going through. i came to know about this fraudulent investment company through instagram as i thought it was a legit company after going through the company website and data, i trusted them and decided to invest with them for the future unknowingly to me that i was dealing with fraudsters, they never allowed me to withdrawal my funds. i kept paying for fees after fees until i finally realized that i was been scammed, it was really not easy for me as i searched the internet everyday looking for how to recover my money back from this company.. Just one day i was going through an article about Cryptocurrency investment here online i came across R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M; From the comment section i read that this guys are can be able to recover back my lost crypto from the fake company.. fortunately enough their contacts info was included, Email; R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M , But i first texted them on their Telegram account @ ROOTKITS7 they replied and i explained the whole scenario to them and they assured me to be of help, i trusted the process and we got going just 2 days after they had proceeded with the recovery operations, i got their text message asking for my wallet address for the transfer of my recovered funds i couldn’t still believe everything not until i saw all my funds back into my wallet. i thanked this team enough for being such a savior as well paid them off as we agreed even with more

  • 2
    Monika Schultz - 15-12-2023 16:41:34

    HOW CAN I GET A GOOD HACKER TO RECOVER MY LOST BTC/ETH/USDT/ CYBER WIZZARD IS THE BEST AND RELIABLE. My name is MONIKA, here’s my recommendation……………. I have been in search of a good hacker for over 2 years, Recently I was looking through some websites; then I got *Cyberwizzard*, he was highly recommended on the website so i decided to try him out, he was able to carry out all the task i gave him within 24 hours, He also helps with: Binary Recovery, Files Recovery, Crypto investment, Password, Bypass / Recovery Malware Removal / Criminal Record Expunge, Blank ATM Card, Social Media Hack, Remote Mobile Monitoring & Hacking, Credit Repair and Private Key Reset. he is very good and reliable you can reach out to him if you are in need of the service of a good hacker WhasAp him on +39 351 089 6670 email him on

  • 3
    Cole Fabrega - 12-12-2023 00:12:26

    R O O T K I T S R E C O V E R Y F I R M has done a very great help to my life and I’m using this opportunity i have here to let the world know of this Expert Assets Recovery Team, i was trapped by a fake Binary option trading company to invest with the platform in order to earn money digitally while you can comfortable monitor your trade online. i have earlier had some interest in crypto so after some thought i went ahead and made couple investment with the platform at first and got paid my profits without knowing that the whole plan was fake a scheme to lure me into investing more funds probably a larger amount, so 2days after having my profits i reinvested with the platform this time i had invested with huge amount in order to earn more off my tradings but at the end when my investment was due i proceeded to make my withdrawal but then noticed that the option was malfunctioning as i wasn’t able to withdrawal funds into my account, i approached the support desk to let them know and also for some assistance but they replied and ask that i needed the withdrawal fee to be settled before i could successfully withdraw my funds. i had gathered the amount they had asked for and made the payment for the withdrawal fee but still cannot withdraw my funds i quickly message the support to let them know that i still can’t withdraw not a damn to my account only for me to receive a reply from them that i need to pay more fees for some technical problems and system upgrade, after giving it some thoughts it doesn’t sound good and clear to me so i had to take a step back as i was already having the feeling that something is going wrong, i then went in search of solutions online.. luckily enough i got redirected to the medium site where i saw pretty different comments of people testifying on how ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM has helped them to recover their lost investment . I was skeptical if this was true, but then decided to contact them to know if they are real or not, Well they proved to me beyond all doubts that it was really for real so I urgently referred my case to them, And they proceeded with the recovery and I’m happy to say that i have received all my lost funds back through this team intelligent service. you can Contact their email R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A IL. C O M if need such assistance. I’m just testifying on how ROOTKITS FIRM has helped me too. I never believed in it until the funds were recovered and sent to my bitcoin wallet, I have my funds back and am grateful to them, Contact the company now and recover all your lost funds. they are also on telegram with the user: ROOTKITS7

  • 4
    Julia Shailene - 09-12-2023 22:16:08

    Please do not make the mistake of rushing into the cryptocurrency investment opportunities if you’d not known the basics or have a professional coach to guide you through, i was deceived by a fake crypto trading company to invest and partner with the organization for a certain period of time and i lost all my invested funds on the process, i really can’t believe all this happened to me as this was actually my first time dealing with cryptocurrency and with the informations i read about the organization i was convinced and then decided to give it a try only for me to be manipulated by this set of people, it was such a devastating and sad moment for me as i was totally unaware that was all scam, it got to the stage where i wanted to take all my profits together with the capital invested but was unable to do so, tried all i could to figure this out with the organization but the situation got worst by day as they kept to request for more money.. this really broke me down at certain point. i had to start looking for a possible way to get back my funds online, this was how i finally got to know the ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, read stories of individuals who narrated how this firm has equally saved them from the evil hands of scammers. i also found their contact details where i was able to speak with the team directly through Telegram : R O O T K I T S 7 or Email : R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M . i can say they really handled my case in the most professional way and out of their level of experience i got back all my lost funds to the fake crypto investment organization , the exact amount i had invested was recovered back into my account, I’m so marveled with such a skill and my greatest thanks to this team for their great Professional services that actually saves life

  • 5
    Dennis Andrew - 07-12-2023 01:50:14

    Few months back i made a huge investment with a crypto company and lost all my crypto to this company, I have about $312k in their application but wasn’t able to withdraw any amount after my investment was due for withdrawal, I couldn’t access both my original investment of $147k usd, when i noticed this i immediately contact the company costumer support for their assistance.. they reviewed my case and said that I need to make $36k withdrawal fee before I would be able to withdrawal both my capital and my profits together I went on and made the payment but my withdrawal still wasn’t approved, i updated the costumer support on the issue only for them to ask me for more $25k usd stating that it’s for the company maintenance fee, I declined the request and ask them to release my funds but then they stopped replying my messages, weeks went by and i didn’t get a single reply from them, I felt really bad broken as they almost took everything i had worked for, i now went into looking for a possible means to get my money back.. it was as if it is almost impossible to get my funds back before i learned online about Hackers who can recover lost crypto from scammers.. I made more research before i found ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM, Most of the costumers referred the name as an Excellent recovery firm who have 99.9% recovery amount records, i contacted them and explained my situation to them, provided the needed informations to them and they proceeded on and recovered all of my lost funds within a space of 48hrs and I was very happy to message him, It was such an experience. you can contact them for the recovery of your lost funds via email: ROOTKITS 4 @ G MAIL . COM or Telegram; ROOTKITS7

  • 6
    Edward Bruno - 03-12-2023 10:27:00

    I will be forever indebted to this team of Ethical hackers ( ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM ) for their Professional help and assistance in recovering back my lost funds from a fraudulent investment company , I had a mischievous experience with this fake online investment company that almost ruined my life, it all started when i met a lady by name Maria who introduced me into this company after she had told me how beneficiary the company had been to her financial life. i did started my first trade with just $200 usd which i made my profits, Afterward i went on and invested more funds into this company, they had introduced me to the Platinum package where i made huge investment so i could earn as a billionaire, i had invested a total of $810k worth of BTC into this company, little did i know that i was dealing with a sort of fraudulent company, when it was time for me to make withdrawal i was being restricted from doing so even when i can still read my money from account balance through the dashboard then request for a couple fees to be cleared i did paid for this fees and still was unable to have my funds withdrawn, i got really depressed about this as i watched everything i have worked for been lost to scam, who referred me to a hacker who he assured that he would be able to recover my lost money, at first I was skeptical about it, thanks for the advise from my friend who i opened up to and he advised i should look out for a good hacker to help me recover my lost funds from the company, i came on here and made a some research about hackers and i found The ROOTKITS FIRM, i decided to give this a try and contacted them for their service and they responded, i had them provided with the informations they required for the recovery process, i was very shock when i had all my funds recovered back just after 3days i contacted this team for help, i was so happy they brought back light into my life i will remain thankful to ROOTKITS RECOVERY FIRM for all they have done, it will be selfish of me if I don’t refer this hacker to someone who may need his help... contact him through email; R O O T K I T S 4 @ G M A I L . C O M or via telegram; ROOTKITS7

  • 7
    Liberty Weston - 29-11-2023 23:12:18

    I heard about a Bitcoin programmed scheme that I taught was going to be a lifetime investment opportunity but turned out to be Fraudulent, i got deceived by this Investor i met on a telegram group to make my investment with their company, this investors made the company website look so real and promising, without much thought i invested some money not knowing that i am being scammed, we got going till it was time for me to take my returns i try to make withdrawal but the system declined my withdrawals. made several attempts to get it right but still wasn’t going good, I then contacted the support for a help they demanded for some fees to be settled before I could have my funds withdrawn successfully, I cleared the demanded fees required but not able to withdraw my funds yet. at this point i realize i was been scammed. i taught all money was lost until I met a life savior on a crypto site who had helped a lot of people recover there stolen funds/coins CYBER ASSET RECOVERY I explained my situation to them and they assured me they will help me get my money back, I gave it a try and CYBER ASSET RECOVERY definitely did a great job, all my money was recovered back into my wallet account in just 6 days, I don’t really know how they got this done but this is really awesome! I’m writing this to informed anyone who had similar issue to contact CYBER ASSET RECOVERY expert via email or Telegram. Mail: Telegram. @CyberAssetRecovery Or WhatsApp: +1 (501) 725–1653 I’m so happy I luckily escape what ought to had destroy me financially.

  • 8
    JASMINE TOM - 28-11-2023 14:57:41

    ARE YOU A VICTIM OF CRYPTO SCAMS AND WANT TO GET BACK YOUR STOLEN CRYPTOS!! Am here to testify the handwork of A Great Verified Hacker ( Mr Morris Gray )Who helped me recover back my lost funds from the hands of scammers who Ripped me off my money and made me helpless, I could not afford to pay my bills after the whole incident, But a friend of mine helped me out by given me the contact info of trusted Recovery Expert, his email: Morris gray 830 @ gmail . com contact him or chat him up on (+1- /607-69 )8-0239 ) and he will help you recover your lost funds If you have been a victim of any binary/ cryptocurrency or online scam, Mobile spy, Mobile Hack contact this Trusted and Verified hacker, He is highly recommendable and was efficient in getting my lost funds back, 11btc of my lost funds was refunded back with his help, He is the Best in Hacking jobs, contact him ( MORRIS GRAY 830 AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM…..

  • 9
    clara james - 28-11-2023 00:53:55

    I was scammed over ( $345,000 ) by someone I met online on a fake investment project. I started searching for help legally to recover my money and I came across a lot of Testimonies about ETHICREFINANCE Recovery Expects. I contacted them providing the necessary information's and it took the experts about 27hours to locate and help recover my stolen funds. I am so relieved and the best part was, the scammer was located and arrested by local authorities in his region. I hope this help as many out there who are victims and have lost to these fake online investment scammers. I strongly recommend their professional services for assistance with swift and efficient recovery. They can reached through the link below. Email Address: WHATSAPP :+1 (719) 642-8467

  • 10
    JASMINE TOM - 23-11-2023 02:37:29

    ARE YOU A VICTIM OF CRYPTO SCAMS AND WANT TO GET BACK YOUR STOLEN CRYPTOS!! Am here to testify the handwork of A Great Verified Hacker ( Mr Morris Gray )Who helped me recover back my lost funds from the hands of scammers who Ripped me off my money and made me helpless, I could not afford to pay my bills after the whole incident, But a friend of mine helped me out by given me the contact info of trusted Recovery Expert, his email: Morris gray 830 @ gmail . com contact him or chat him up on (+1- /607-69 )8-0239 ) and he will help you recover your lost funds If you have been a victim of any binary/ cryptocurrency or online scam, Mobile spy, Mobile Hack contact this Trusted and Verified hacker, He is highly recommendable and was efficient in getting my lost funds back, 11btc of my lost funds was refunded back with his help, He is the Best in Hacking jobs, contact him ( MORRIS GRAY 830 AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM…..!!!

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